Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Heart Day!

Remember how I told you we would have to deal with our grass burning again? Well, it finally burned tonight and it was quite a show! We were all watching a cartoon as a family tonight. For our snack, we decided to have ice cream floats and so I had the ice cream maker running in the kitchen. The movie finished and Kate ran to check on the ice cream. She ran back down the hall screaming and crying that our house was on fire. Oh my heart stopped. Instantly I thought it might be an electrical fire and ran out of our room. There is a door in the hallway that we have covered with a curtain. All I could see through the curtain was glowing orange. I thought for sure my kitchen was in flames! Once I rushed towards the kitchen I was so relieved to see that it was just a bush fire outside. They are still a bit scary. Ben and I rushed outside to hook up the hose and try to keep our cypress bushes from burning. He was out there controlling the fire for over an hour and half. Everything burned controllably and I'm thankful that it is done and over with!

Other than our exciting evening, my day started out wonderfully with valentines from my beautiful kiddos...three of them anyway. Faith Ann made it very clear that the valentine she made was for her. haha! But Drew, Kate and Emma were proud to show me theirs and I got a sweet card from my hubby as well. Our church services went great. We have some men in our church, "preacher boys", taking over all of our services for the month of February. Our neighbor, Jude, preached in Bambili, and Patrick preached in Bamenda. Patrick is usually a long winded speaker, so I was surprised when we got out of church on time...maybe even slightly early! We came home and I threw together some French Bread pizzas. That has become our Sunday routine. We buy french bread on the way home and it is something I can make quickly. We end up eating at 3 pm, so pizza makes a good meal as it really is lunch and supper combined. We end up eating light snacks a bit later, like popcorn or cookies or something. Tonight, it was ice cream floats as I mentioned earlier.

Well, I'm on yahoo messenger with Mom, so I'll close this out! Happy Valentines Day!!!


kellyrsp said...

That picture looks very scary! Glad your house was ok! And now I'm craving an ice cream float! :)

Kari Showers said...

So glad that the Lord's protection continues to be upon you. I absolutely love reading your blog posts. It is neat to get to read the dily activities of your family there in the Camaroon.

Beth said...

WHY did I not know about this blog, Becca???? I found it several days ago via fb and now I'm here as a faithful reader :) I will LOVE catching up w you and "keeping in touch" these days through your blog. I usually don't comment because I don't make time for that, but please know I'm watching and reading! (I think it's frustrating when you put the time and effort into blogging and don't think anyone cares! ha ha) sooo... thanks for your efforts and know you're loved and MISSED!

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