Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday Sermon

It is always a treat to listen to someone preach besides Matt or Ben (no offense guys) lol! And especially when it is your home church pastor! It has been such a blessing having them here. Like Preacher's new shirt?
After our service in Bamenda, we had our quarterly food and fellowship. Everyone brought plenty of food and I did something I 've never done before....I hired my meal out! Wow...that made my life SO much easier. We just hired someone to make a huge cooler full of Jelloff Rice! How awesome! I'll definitely be doing that in the future. It is always so stressful trying to prepare a huge meal before church...especially since our first church is at 9 a.m. Not to mention they don't particularly care for white man cooking. I always try to make something that I think they will eat (beef stew over rice etc...) but every time, I see plates full of my food at the end of the meal. Oh worries from here on out as we will try to find someone to cook for me. Then I know everyone will like it!


Marleen said...

Glad you got to enjoy Pastor. We sure missed him here but his sermons are always a challenge to me as I am sure they were to you. It probably made you feel a little like you were home.

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