Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Good Kid

This is Drew's routine every morning before breakfast and every night before bed. He has to have his drops to regulate the pressure in his eyes. He says they sting , but never really complains about the routine. He is so good natured. Ben and I were just talking and agreeing that they don't come much easier than him. He just rarely gives us trouble, is always quick to obey, happy-go-lucky. I mean, he is human and does have a sin nature, but overall, Drew is a good kid. I'm SO thankful for him!

I've gotten so many comments about my blog since we announced it in one of our recent prayer letters. I'm SO glad you all are following and reading! As I take my picture a day for my 365 project and journal about our daily life in Cameroon...I really hope it will give you a picture of the fact that we are just your average every day people, serving the Lord in a different part of the world. People often make too much of missionaries. Put them up on a pedestal and that is not where we belong. God has placed us each in different corners of the harvest field, but that doesn't make one job more important over the other. The important thing is that we as believers are serving and ultimately bringing glory to God through our service to Him (I Cor. 10:31).


kellyrsp said...

Drew does seem like such a good kid! I'm thankful for you all, your service to God, and your friendship! Hope you are having a good day!

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