Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Grandmas are Great!

Look at these crazy kids...trying to get them to look at the camera all at the same time, and in a semi-sane fashion, is nearly impossible. I wanted to give Grandma a glimpse of how much fun her gifts for the kids are! She sent these cups with Lee that have lights in the bottom and at the touch of the button they sparkle and flash all different colors. The kids like to put different drinks in them to see what they will look like. We've tried coke, different colors of kool-aid and juices. Each time it brings an ooh and an ahh! :) Thanks so much Grandma...the kids LOVE their cups!

My day started really early as I woke up sick. Not sure what that was all about...but thankfully by the time my stomach had emptied and I got a few hours sleep I felt better. Ben told the kids to be quiet "Because mommy was sick in the night." I actually woke up before 8, and went out of my bedroom. I saw that Ben was still there so quickly ducked back in the room. He came in the room a moment later and I asked him why he wasn't gone yet...I knew he'd be late for their first class. "Well...we've had a bit of a delay this morning." I was like "what?" His response was "Number 5." GREAT...I knew what that meant. We have a 5th mouse! Only this time he didn't catch it! Ahhhh!!! I kept my eyes peeled all day...and especially during our devotions. He didn't show. I read online that mice can have anywhere from 2-20 in their litter. That was NOT encouraging AT all. We have never had this many mice at one time. Three was the tops and that was during our last term. This is actually the first mice problem since we have been back this term. Crazy!

The kids did great in school. We had fun feeding Rex. We found him a big fat fly. I wasn't sure he could eat it, but he did. It took him about 5 minutes, but he got it down. I told the kids that they couldn't touch Rex today at all. During one of their breaks this morning they decided it would be fun to play hide and seek...with the chameleon that is. So, Kate stuck it in our garden and walked away. Then I heard yelling and crying. Drew was SO upset b/c they couldn't find it. I was like, "Duh...what do you expect! He is made to blend in!" I went out there searching. Thankfully chameleons don't move very fast and I found him in a couple of minutes.

We have had wonderful, wonderful water again for the past two nights. I'm already looking forward to a shower. I'll wait until my load of laundry is finished though! :) Goodnight!!


kmkarayannis said...

That is such a cute picture! Those cups look really fun!

Marleen said...

How come everybody has jammies on but Faith? Nobody else would notice that but me because she has the dress on that I bought her. Cute cups though. I know that they are really enjoying those. So glad that you are feeling better and that you have enough water to take a shower. Now if we can just get rid of the dust storm you are having you will be in good shape.

kellyrsp said...

You guys never have a dull day do ya?! :) Cute picture! I hope your mouse problem is near over!

Tanya said...

i LOVE those cups. I have gotten them at a few different places and do the same thing with them that your kiddos do! lol

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