Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tooth Tales

Emma's teeth are dropping like flies! She was giggling today because she couldn't even eat her supper. She has to modify...and bite with the sides of her mouth. It was really cute. She is, of course, really excited about a visit from the tooth fairy.

I realize I've been delinquent in my blog posts, but considering that it is July...I think I've done pretty well keeping up with my 365 project. Besides, with my Mom hounding me, I can't miss too many days. (love you Mom! haha). I know that I haven't posted for Sunday or Monday of this past week, but I promise I will. Just remember to scroll down in the next couple of days to see them, b/c I go in and adjust the date of my blog posts. I'd like to keep them in chronological order, b/c I'm considering printing my year in a book when all is said and done. So, if you see that I've missed a sure to always check at a later date, b/c I always try to come back and update. The reason I'm not posting Sun. and Mon. tonight, is b/c I'm feeling pretty icky (sore throat, major headache, stuffy head :( boohoo, poor me lol!) and the pictures are on Ben's camera and I don't feel like getting it right now. (not the greatest excuse...I'll admit) However, I'll do my best to pop those days up tomorrow. Now...I'm off to bed!


Marleen said...

What a pretty princess you are Emma. Mimi can't wait to come and see you.
Sorry Becca, but I love reading your blogs as well as many of your faithful followers do.

kellyrsp said...

Emma looks cute! Zach has yet to lose any teeth!! I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon!

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