Wednesday, January 27, 2010

God "nose" what we need!

Well our day was a whirlwind really. Faith woke up in good spirits as always, but her nose continued to bleed and that concerned us as we are in the third day of this injury. We called a missionary doctor who lives about 3 hours from us and asked her for a number to an American doctor that works at a hospital about 30 minutes from our house. We just felt better knowing we were being treated by an American doctor for some reason. They know what our noses look like and...I could go on and on, but I'm just being transparent here. We called Dr. Sparks and explained the situation. He said we should have brought her yesterday...and told us to rush to Mbingo Baptist Hospital immediately and he would see her. That was so gracious of him to do really. That hospital is crazy busy and you can wait in line ALL day long. So, Ben grabbed Faith and got something to drink and a package of crackers for her and headed to the hospital. Dr. Sparks saw them quickly and immediately prepared her for surgery. Her nose is indeed broken and she had a septal hematoma (sp?). This can permanently damage the nose and will cause it to collapse basically. It cuts oxygen off to the nasal septum (the middle of the nose) so the tissue dies and the nose essentially caves in. He was ready to rush her into the OR when he thought to ask if she'd eaten...JUNK! Why did I have to pack those crackers? Because of that they had to wait several hours and she ended up having surgery at 5-ish. They put her out right in the private room where they were waiting. Ben said it was pretty funny to watch. The doctor carried her into the OR and they were done in about 10 minutes. The medicine they use in the states to bring someone out of anesthetic is so expensive that they don't use it here. So, they have to just wake up on their own. Ben said that was pretty funny too...she couldn't even open her eyes and was just giggling and saying nonsense. I wish I could have been there, but I wasn't about to drag all 4 kids there.

When all was said and done, she was fine, there is no permanent damage to the nasal septum, and the break will heal on its own. On top of that amazing blessing...the doctor put the entire bill (which isn't a fraction of what it would be in America...but still over 100 dollars) on his account. Wow! We are still in awe of the events of the day. We are broke right now to put it plainly and God is right by our side taking care of every step of the way. Ben told the doctor that normally he would argue with him about the money, but at this moment in our lives...we don't have any! Ben has $60 bucks in his pocket to last us til the end of the month! Praise God for how he takes care of His children.

Here are a few pictures so you can see the events of the day:

Faith Ann and Daddy waiting outside the Operating Room

Poor thing did not like the IV...she looks so cute in her hospital gown though.

While waiting the few hours for the anesthesia, she managed to sneak in a nap.

Here she's woken up from her nap and about to be put back to sleep. :)

She is now home safe and sound and fast asleep in her bed. She had no problems with the anesthesia. She was still a little loopy when she got home. We carried her everywhere since her legs weren't very trustworthy. Other than that, she has an appetite and everything is normal. Other than that IV, the events of the day didn't really phase her. Again, we thank God for the blessings of this day!


Kelli said...

Oh my goodness Becca, I am just in awe of how the Lord's hand was on your family every step of the way. Getting your daughter to the right doctor, him taking care of the bill, every single thing was in His hands. I will continue to pray for her recovery!

Jason Sykes said...

Sounds like a review of our conversation this morning. God is so good to His kids. Look at how many things He took care of in this situation:

1. An American doctor (that's something special when you live in the middle of nowhere)
2. No permanent damage (regardless of what doctors say, the Great Physician knows best)
3. Material provision for the surgery when you didn't have the money to cover it
4. Successful surgery and your beautiful little girl with princess purple eyeshadow sleeping comfortably at home in her own bed

God is definitely Good!

jupiter394 said...

So glad everything worked out! It's amazing how strong kids can be. I'd be blubbering like a baby. :)

Marleen said...

God is so good. I sure do wish I was there to spoil her just a little. Give her lots of kisses from her Mimi and tell her I like her eyeshadow.

Jeremy/Kim Sykes said...

I can't believe she is smiling through it all. What a special little girl! Praise the Lord for all the things that worked out!

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