Friday, January 15, 2010

Pizza Night!

Friday night is pizza night and I usually make two big pizzas for the family. Tonight I had some extra dough in the fridge, so I thought it would be a treat to add breadsticks to the menu. Kate and Drew thought that was a great idea too, and asked if they could make them. So...I gave them a pan, the dough and the flour and let them have fun. Kate had a little too much fun. I ended up cleaning off a mound of flour when all was said and done, but the breadsticks were a hit. Such a hit in fact, that by the time the pizza came out of the oven the kids barely touched it they were so full!


jupiter394 said...

This so brings back memories of me making pizza with my sisters when I was a kid. I've only ever done pizza bagels with mine. We should try the full thing sometime.

Kelli said...

Looks like they had fun Becca! Love the photo you picked for today!!

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